Phi Delta Theta Installs Alabama Beta At Auburn University

On Saturday, December 16, 2017, the Alabama Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta was reinstalled at Auburn University. The chapter was originally chartered in 1879 before closing in fall of 2014. The chapter was recolonized on March 5, 2017, and the colony members dedicated themselves to install the following fall. President Brandon Stokes had the privilege of accepting the charter on Saturday evening.
During the colony period, the men of Alabama Beta picked up major achievements that helped make a name for themselves both locally and nationally. Alabama Beta achieved the third highest grade point average out of Auburn’s 28 IFC fraternities. Colony member Walker McCrary was elected to the IFC cabinet. The colony qualified for Auburn’s intramural football championship and won the intramural soccer championship. Alabama Beta raised $5,769 for ALS through the Iron Phi program with three members earning the title of Iron Phi (Brandon Stokes, Walker McCrary, and Zach Davis). The colony also teamed up with other Greek organizations in community service events.
The installation banquet was presided over by General Council President Jeff Davis (Southeast Missouri State ‘94). Other attendees included: Director of Expansion Alex Atkinson (Missouri Western ‘16), Colony Advisory Board Chairman Jimmy Webb (Auburn), Colony Advisory Board Secretary Ray Briscuso (Auburn), and Expansion Consultants BJ Henderson (Wisconsin ‘16), Tyler Wilson (Georgia Southern ’16), and Landon Killion (Nebraska-Kearney ’17). The banquet was well attended by family, friends, and alumni all cheering on the return Alabama Beta. World War II veteran and local alumnus Buck Marsh was honored with a distinguished alumni award prior to his rousing and heartfelt acceptance speech. The events concluded with words from President Stokes, who led the chapter through the colony phase, speaking on behalf of all the men of Alabama Beta, thanking everyone for their support over the past year. Jeff Davis ended the ceremony by showcasing how joining Phi Delta Theta can impact one’s life and offering final congratulatory remarks to the brothers of Alabama Beta.
Alabama Beta is gearing up for their first semester back on Auburn’s campus as a fully initiated chapter. Following the banquet, the outgoing and incoming officers met with Leadership Consultant N. Cole Hollingsworth (Sam Houston State ‘16) to make plans for next semester and set goals for the future. Alabama Beta recognizes that receiving a charter is only the beginning of their journey. This journey includes moving back into their chapter house in the spring. The chapter vows to continue to focus on growth, as they continue to work towards becoming the greatest versions of themselves. WAR EAGLE!