Update From The President

The summer of 2017 has been a whirlwind for Alabama Beta. At the beginning of the summer, the grade report was given out by IFC, and Phi Delta Theta is #3 on campus among fraternities with a chapter average GPA of 3.27. Our members remained focused on sound learning as we ended the semester and it paid off handsomely.
We have spent our time this summer recruiting several outstanding young men, and will continue to recruit throughout formal rush and the fall semeste. With that being said, please send any recommendations of young men who have the potential to be brothers of Alabama Beta to myself, or to Brendan Bzdel, the colony’s recruitment chair.
Moving forward, our goal is to become involved on campus to re-establish our presence as a premier organization. We will be hosting as well as joining with other greek organizations to participate in community service, philanthropy, and social activities throughout the semester. Each member of our colony is involved on campus through a student organization, an honor society, or a service organization. We have members that serve on the executive committees of other organizations. These members are showing the leadership skills within these organizations that demonstrate the excellence of Alabama Beta as activities begin on campus for the fall semester.