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Featured Alumni - Ray Briscuso Jr. ('81)

Ray Briscuso - Bond #1606 (Auburn ’81) Bethesda, MD

While attending the 2014 reunion I was asked to join our newly reformed CAB and by default I became the chair. Luckily, my calls were almost universally accepted and we quickly established a 45-member CAB, the largest of any PDT chapter anywhere. The reason for the large CAB was that we were under investigation by the IFC Court/University and I wanted to assign one CAB member to serve as a big brother/advisor for each officer as well as each Phikeia. We accomplished this goal, yet received a four-year campus suspension, and an order to vacate our chapter house and wait four years before applying to return. A successful appeal reduced our suspension to two years - ending Dec. 31, 2016. We re-established in January of this year, currently have a very strong colony and will be back into our Lem Morrison chapter house in 2018. Being involved with our reunion weekend and the CAB has been extremely rewarding. I treasure the opportunity to regularly speak and interact with former Auburn roommates and classmates, and not only from my 1977-81 era, but I especially cherish my interactions with fraternity brothers from the 1940-50s (i.e. Buck Marsh), 1960-70s (Frank Feagin and Lee Sims) as well as 1990-2010s (Robert Miller and Michael Ramsey) to today. I especially enjoy being involved with the young men in our colony. It was thrilling and prideful to be a part of the recolonization process and while I no longer serve as our CAB Chair I remain committed to the CAB and our reunion weekend and suggest everyone reconnect and participate. After graduation from Auburn (1981), I lived for two years in Birmingham before returning to the Washington, D.C. area to attend Georgetown University Law School. I spent nearly three years working for George H.W Bush including a year with him in the White House. I briefly practiced law, but for the past twenty-five plus years, I’ve worked in or for the two leading life science trade associations - BIO and AdvaMed, first working for the biotechnology industry and for the past twelve with the medical technology industry association. I’m a single Dad of two high schoolers and one still in grade school, an avid golfer, skier and reader. I have four season tickets to Auburn football, and attended both our recent championship games but I have had to substitute my desire to watch the Auburn Tigers with that of the Maryland Terrapins for whom I have football and men’s basketball season tickets.

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