Update From The President

I was blown away by the support we received at our colonization ceremony in March. It is clear that the brotherhood of Alabama Beta lasts a lifetime. We have been very fortunate to receive a great amount of support and involvement from the Chapter Advisory Board, a group made up of alumni who volunteered their time and resources. In the colony, we have a group of quality men who are eager to make Alabama Beta the premier fraternity on Auburn's campus. The colony is represented all over campus, with majors ranging from Aerospace Engineering, to Theater, to Aviation Management, and everywhere in between. Every member of the colony is involved with an on-campus organization, with several holding officer positions. Alabama Beta was selected to compete in "Lou's Challenge," a fundraising competition, for the month of April. The colony finished 3rd in the competition after raising over $5000 during the one month period. During the process, three colony members were able to meet the requirements to become an Iron Phi, something that has never been done in Alabama Betahistory. Walker McCrary, Zach Davis, and myself raised over $3,500 collectively, and completed an athletic event to earn the distinction. Alabama Beta is on track to have several more Iron Phi's as the fundraising efforts continue. If you would like to contribute, visit IronPhi.org, and search for the Alabama Beta chapter. Thank you for your continued support of Phi Delta Theta and Alabama Beta